A website is reporting new Avast 4.8 Build

Hi all

Warp2search is reporting new Avast 4 Build, 1358, Here is the link to what they have on the site, i tried program update with mine, says already up to date though


I know there is one meant to be released soon as the one I’m using 4.8.1356 isn’t available (I got it early) as there is something else they were working on. So I guess didn’t want to release two updates too close together.

Whilst the avast update check doesn’t show it, majorgeeks does appear to have 4.8.1358 for download. It may take a little while fir the avast servers (lots of them) to be prepared for the auto update cycle of program updates.

Its for the Home version so I’ll have to wait for the Professional version on my XP Pro system.

Its good to see avast! updating V4.8 with V5 so close to release that I am running on my Windows 7 system.

Well 4.8 will continue to be supported for a while yet, even after 5.0 is finally released.

Odd, I’ve got 1351 and don’t recall seeing any update notifications since that one. Oh, well, if 1358 is “sort of” ready I should see that one soon.

avast 4 would probably still be good enough to protect systems properly a few years if it could access the virus def db…