AAVM detected a RPC error

I had installed avast4 but the resident scanner would always stay disabled I had no A or I ball icons in the tray.

After looking in the forum I found the filename “ashDisp.exe” for the resident scanner and started it manually and now have icons, but A icon has red circle with red diagonal and if I right click and chose on-access control I get the above message.

I have read in the forum that this is maybe related to modem but I get this message whenever I try to set on-access scanning.

I have winxp sevice pack 1.

PS I have tried updating the program but it crashes when I do.

Hope someone can help ???

I will try. Firstly, if you did not have the icons in the tray, then I would suspect a faulty installation. Is Avast listed in the Start/Programs menu? If it is, then try starting Avast from there.

The red circle with the diagnol means that none of the On Access Protection providers (Internet, Outlook, Standard) are running.

You will not be able to run any updates unless Avast properly loads, which I do not feel it has.

I would suggest uninstalling Avast and performing a clean install. To do this, go to the Avast website and download Avclear4 which is an uninstall program specifically designed to clear out all the old Avast files. Use this first, then shut down ALL Windows programs except Explorer (if it shows in the Close Program screen) and Systray. Install Avast again, reboot system and see what happens.
PS: To access the Close Program screen…hold down Ctl/Alt and then hit delete.

Based solely on what you have said thusfar, I feel that some of the Avast files are corrupted.

Forgive me if I get very basic in language…I do not know on what level you are with computer-ez.

Good Luck

Avast is in the Start/Programs menu and the simple interface starts fine. The resident protection is always disabled, even after I have just changed it.

I have uninstalled avast from the Add/Remove Programs and using Avclear4, but the result is the same.

  1. I have to start ashDisp manually to get the icons in the tray.
  2. The resident protection is always disabled, even after I have just changed it.
  3. I can update the virus database OK but after I update the program if I try to start it I get “Error 0x000000C1 Splash cannot execute the following program C:\Program …\ashSimpl.exe” and when I click OK program closes.

I really hope someone can help ???

Error you are talking about means “not valid Win32 application”. It looks like you have damaged files of avast!
Try to complete re-install:

  • uninstall avast! by using Add/Remove programs or use our avClear.exe utility to do that,
  • restart your computer,
  • download a fresh copy of avast! installation and run it,
  • restart your computer again

I hope after these steps avast! will work with no problems…

-have you tried installing Avast in SafeMode (press F8 when Booting) ?
and of course all this has to be done under admin.login.
EVen better would be the “real” Administrator, which has a bit more power than just user-with admin-rights under XP and 2k, and sometimes works wonders in problem cases…

“Administrator” might be only accessible in XP Home for the first time when booting in safeMode… after that it should also be accessible in normal boot

-Xp SP1: SP1 and a not so recent Win-kernel-Update can cause serious system-wide performance problems on some XP systems; especially with (resident) AV-Scanners. search teh MS-knowledge base

-you don’t have a second resident scanner installed/active ?
what is in your autostart & other startup-locations (especially registry RUN-entries ) ?

-have you deleted the avast-folder ? reboot ? a regclean might help, too
emptied TIF=IE-Cache & Temp-folder before installing ?
try installing avast from a new, empty folder into a new empty folder that is different from the old avast-program folder.
DON’T use download manager for getting the avast-install-file

Advanced (stolen from Mav1976 & somehow translated :slight_smile: ):

  • System → Services: Is “avast AntiVirus Service” & "avast! iAVS4 Control Service"set to automatic ?
    start service !! → What happens ?

If the Guard still doesn’t start: check in the Devicemanager, if avast-drivers are functional and loaded.

  • enable options to show non-pnp-devices, show properties of driver: General → Use device (activate)- #driver# status: “started/enabled” & start type “on Demand” (?? or automatic ??)If driver is deactivated, please start it!
    you can also deinstall avast drivers there (reboot afterwards) before reinstalling avast. But be careful there if you don’t know what you’re deleting. !!!
