AAVM subsytem detected and RPC error.

I’m using XP pro sp2 :slight_smile:

Since the last Avast Program update i randomly get this error…

At start up avast sytray icon shows red shield and gives this message…

“The AAVM subsytem detected and RPC error. The operation could not be completed.”

This keeps going on for several reboots than it’s ok again and comes back later… I looked at the faq’s but my RPC and Avast services are automatic and ok… Tried Uninstall reboot reinstall to no avail.
The error comes and goes at his own will… Found an old topic here about this error from mid 2004 but the given solution didn’t do it for me and was regarding to older versions of avast and xp as well.

These are the Avast log entries on this error…

“20-7-2005 13:14:04 SYSTEM 1384 AAVM - initialization error: AavmStart: avworkInitialize failed, 0000A438.
20-7-2005 13:16:37 SYSTEM 1368 AAVM - initialization error: AavmStart: avworkInitialize failed, 0000A438.
20-7-2005 13:20:07 SYSTEM 1388 AAVM - initialization error: AavmStart: avworkInitialize failed, 0000A438.”

“20-7-2005 13:14:04 SYSTEM 1384 aswServ::AavmStart ERROR…
20-7-2005 13:16:37 SYSTEM 1368 aswServ::AavmStart ERROR…
20-7-2005 13:20:07 SYSTEM 1388 aswServ::AavmStart ERROR…”

I have the feeling that the service time out and the Avast start up are no longer synchronized at some given time, but just can’t find out why… There are more program depending on RPC in my computer and Avast is the only one giving trouble with it…
Does anybody over here know more about this error and maybe how to resolve this ???

Have a look at THIS THREAD
If you use the search option on this board with keyword “aavm subsystem”, you will find some more threads with a (possible) solution

A forum search for “AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error” with the quotes, will return a lot of information on this previously discussed topic.

Not to mention the avast FAQ’s http://www.avast.com/eng/other_questions.html#idt_1539

Thanks for your replies, but after a search on several key words regarding this error i’m not provided with a clear solution… I’m clean, updated and have a minimum in the startup list… As i wrote before this occurred after the last Program Update, before that it never did this, Faq’s and repair didn’t help and this error comes and goes randomly (very strange, seems like Avast sometimes starts before RPC starts or just doesn’t detect RPC running and goes knock out over it).

I did read something about corrupt .vps file but this should be solved after a fresh reinstall, which didn’t do it as well…
I disabled the update services of Avast for now and will see what happens.

If that doesn’t do it i put Avast in the menu start \ start up folder to make sure it starts last or start it manualy for a whyle :slight_smile:

Thanks anyway… ??? :wink: Fingers Crosed…

Then I suggest that you download the latest version of avast from the website, uninstall avast, reboot, install the downloaded version of avast and boot.