abort connection - help

I keep getting a message saying that avast has found malware and they arrive in sets of three - win 32 trojano 3233, win adan 094 and 078. The boxes come up every 5 mins or so and it is always the same malware. Is there something I can do about this? It is driving me mad. The only option given is to abort but the same ones come back with mind numbing regularity!!!

That is the web shield stopping malware getting downloaded to your HDD, you will keep getting them so long as you keep visiting the same site.

Is this from multiple sites or is it just one?
You could give examples of the urls without making them active, e.g insert spaces to break the url string, http : // www . dummyurl.com that way it can be investigated without risking accidental clicking by the curious.

Could it be that something (undetected) is on your system attempting to download more malware?

Do you have a firewall, if so what?