Abort connection??????

i am using avast pro 4.6 on windos P

everytime a virus is discovered the alarm comes on and the virus but it doesn’t give me any course of action it just says it is connecting and under it it says abort connection
it use to give you the delete, quarantine… options but now it is just not responding so i close the window

please help my computer is running very slow :-[

This is the Web Shield blocking the virus before it even gets to your computer. Those other options you refer to are from when the Standard Shield detects a virus that is already on your computer. Since the virus is on your computer at that point, you have a number of options (delete it, move it to the chest, etc.)

Web Shield is continuously scanning your HTTP traffic and will block viruses before they can be downloaded.

Feel free to turn off Web Shield in order to download this virus, if you prefer. :wink: It would probably then be caught by Standard Shield and you’ll be presented with the options you’re used to seeing. But isn’t it better to stop the virus before it completely downloads onto your computer in the first place?


WOW that was fast

Thanks John I feel so relieved now!!!