About ActiveSkin Software

Where i can find the activeskin software to follow the tutorial about skinning avast?

Any help is appreciated


Probably i’m blind, but i do not see any link o refence to the active skin software, i’ve downloaded two files too, but… nothing ???

Google is your friend…


Btw, ActiveSkin is not freeware program, you have to purchase the license, and I believe it’s around $100

Are there any free alternatives? It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to purchase a $99 program in order to skin a free one. Can one construct a skin using only photoshop?

No you can’t… you need ActiveSkin’s Skin Builder to compile everything. There is no way you can do these animations (sliding panels) in Photoshop. In fact I never used Photoshop in my whole life… I have it but don’t use it for this. I use Macromedia Fireworks… even at my job where I do this for living.

avast! GUI runs on ActiveSkin engine, so you have to use ActiveSkin’s SkinBuilder. There is no other way at this point.