About Autosandbox

Hello Avast Team,
are the autosandbox(Avast Free)work like Comodo Autosandbox.
(I mean White list)
-If this application is not on the white list them run in autosandbox.
Thank you


Oh ,why?(I mean if is not the same) Autosandbox can miss. ???

What do you mean…???

So you would whitelist an infected copy of Adobe ? A whitelist is based on file name not behaviour. Sandbox works on behaviour not name

Usually an infected copy of a known thing would not match the hash of the file that is whitelisted. Are whitelists done strictly by name or are other checks done?

Well, whitelist can be based on many things, certainly not just filename… but still, it would have too many “false positives”.

Ok boys thanks for all.Now i undersend ,but somethimes on the youtube test i see that autosanbox do nothing.For this reason i’m thinking of white list. ???

Sometimes the youtube videos worth nothing…

Correction - ”Usually youtube videos worth nothing…” ;D

If the initial white list could be subsequently edited by the user allowing them to remove the false positives the problem would be mitigated.

Correction - Usually Youtube videos about any antivirus testing are worthless.
I know many people including me who love to download those music videos from Youtube…