About Avast 5.0.594 & virustotal website

As a loyal & happy user of Avast 5.0.594 I am bringing this to the kind attention of whoever is dealing with this matter :slight_smile:

Yesterday in virustotal website there were 42 antivirus software & this 42 included Avast 4.8.1351.0 and Avast 5.0.332

Today in virustotal website there were 41 antivirus software & this 41 included only Avast 4.8.1351.0

On both days the current or latest version is getting missed. ???

I noticed that my thread got uploaded twice. I am embarassed & sorry about it. Twice today this site kind of froze on my machine.I tried to delete the post (although the content is correct). Due to the “freeze” I could neither delete it nor know if the post went. Sorry again! :frowning:

I don’t know what you mean by current or latest version as the versions used on virustotal are special builds so that they can be used effectively as a command line scanners against the uploaded files.

So you won’t see the same build number as those a user might be using.

avast has no control over the scanners run in VT, if one or other of the avast versions aren’t listed that is down to VT, possibly maintenance/update, etc.

You as a forum user can only Modify your own posts (the button to the right of each of your posts), you can’t delete topics only moderators/admin, etc. can delete topics. Though your duplicate post in this topic has been removed now.