About avast reads Home edition

I just renewed our Avast Pro for three years but when I look in “About avast” it reads that we have “avast! version 4.8 Home edition.” Build Jul2008 (4.8.1229).

I’ve entered the new registration key and the update expiration date reads as it should.


Thanks, Kerry
Vista Ultimate SP1

Thats what it should say because they haven’t updated it since july.

Since posting I’ve emailed avast and Dr. Christian Cantoro gave me the URL to an avast uninstall utility that must be run in safe mode. I did and I still get the home edition in “About avast” but, if I click the “avast Antivirus” desktop icon and open the graphic with the start button, etc. there is a pop up button (upper left) that pops up a menu like the blue globe in the system tool tray and its About avast reads “Avast version 4.8 Professional”. So, I think you’re right, that it’s a oversight on their part.



That’s certainly rather strange… as it works normally on our computers (i.e. avast! Professional is shown everywhere).

Kerry, the version is shown into about dialog correctly…

Here’s my “About avast” accessed via Avast’s globe in the system tool tray.

Since the clean reinstall I’m not getting the fancy graphic interface (with the folder images and start button) just the text ones. Any suggestions?



I guess you mean: avast! settings / Common / Enable skins for Simple User Interface (provided you installed the skins… you may better check in Control Panel / Add/Remove Programs / avast! Antivirus / Change / Change)

But - even though the About (from the tray) says Home - you are able to run the Enhanced User Interface, right?
If you leftclick on the avast! tray icon - what does the bitmap on the left side of the window say: Home or Professional?

Re: “you may better check in Control Panel / Add/Remove Programs / avast! Antivirus / Change / Change)” I have Vista with “Programs and Features.” I clicked change and it had skins checked. Whereas before I did the clean uninstall and reinstall I would right-click the globe in the System Tool Tray and select "Start Antivirus and it would open a window and show that it was testing the memory and then the graphic interface would appear (looks a bit like the face plate of a car radio) but now it opens up a Windows type of interface as described below.

Re: “you are able to run the Enhanced User Interface, right?” When I click on the “avast Antivirus” shortcut on my desktop it brings up a windows type window that has a “Folders” column on the left. I click on the folder named “avast Enhanced User Interface” and it displays six options, Manual Scanning, Resident Protection etc. but I don’t know what you mean by " avast! tray icon." Do you mean the globe I described above that’s located in the system tray? - I don’t know where to look for the “bitmap on the left side of the window.”

I do better with step by step instructions.



Can you run (double-click) ashEnhcd.exe from the avast folder? That is the Enhanced Interface that Igor is talking about.

Yes, but clicking it displays a Windows-like page (see attachment) not what I thought was the Enchanced Interface (like a fancy radio receiver’s face plate. The Windows-like interface’s “About avast” does show 4.8 Pro. Even though the System Tool Tray > av Globe" “About avast” still shows that I have “home…”


That is the Enhanced Interface…

Ahaa, I got it now. The Windows-like window is called the Enhanced Graphics Interface. What’s the one called that looks a bit like the face plate of a car radio? Blue and gray, with icons of folders and hard drives—very fancy—that’s the one I can’t get any more.

BTW: avast Enhanced User Interface > the row under the File, View, Help menus (left to right) first blue globe (About Program) shows that it is 8.4 Pro. It’s the “About avast” from the blue globe in the System Tools Tray that still shows “4.8 Home Edition.”



Simple User Interface or SUI for friends :wink:

Thanks Tech.

How do I turn on the SUI? I don’t see the option in Sys Tool Tray > Globe > Program Settings > Appearance.


By right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select Start avast! Antivirus, Menu, there should be something like Switch to Simple User Interface.

Though with the Pro version you should stick with the Enhanced User Interface, much better.

The Enhanced is the only way to get access to the Pro features. But I don’t think it’s better, I love the skins, always like them.

Starting avast (ashavast.exe) or by the icon on system tray will open: a) or the Enhanced or b) the Simple… you choose and avast kept the last chosen option.
To run it directly, run ashSimpl.exe :wink:

I don’t see an option/switch using the “icon on system tray … will open: a) or the Enhanced or b) the Simple… .” The Avast window comes up that says it’s checking the memory and when it’s done it opens the AEUI.

However, I did click on ashSimpl.exe and got the SUI.

I’ll go with your advice DavidR and use the AEUI so as to have access to the Pro features.

Thanks all,


You’re welcome, night all, almost 3:20 a.m. here and my bed is calling.

Precisely: ashavast (the splash screen) is started and then it will call or SUI or EUI, the last one called (i.e., it starts the last option you’ve run).

Just to be clear. I don’t see or get an option to open the SUI. It automatically opens the EUI. The only way I got the SUI was to go into the Programs Files > avast > ashSimpl.exe.

Before renewing it would always automatically open with the SUI. Now that I understand the EUI window supports the Pro version I’m OK with it automatically opening the EUI.

The reason for which I began this post still exists, Tool Tray > Globe > About avast > still reads home version. From what I understand this is an avast error that hasn’t been fixed yet.

