I want to use avast but I have read so many post here about bsods my question avast cause bsods ? tnx and sorry for my english greetings from greece ;D
I want to use avast but I have read so many post here about bsods my question avast cause bsods ? tnx and sorry for my english greetings from greece ;D
MY laptop Bsods when I installed the lastest install pack, but the old one is ok.
No BSODS for me ever with any of the avast versions on all my systems one xp laptop, win7 64 laptop and a win7 64 desktop, with avast having somewhere in the regin of 160 million users what your seeing here regarding bsods is for a select few and alot of those issues are due to not properly removing previous av’s correctly or outdated software programs that cause conflicts and of course people who never clean out the rubbish on there systems.
I never had BSOD in my life caused by avast! with any version; beta or final.
I got multiple BSODs but caused by incompatibility with comodo firewall