i am not american,please be generous to my english
i have been using avast for a long time,at least 3-4 years,no problem before with FlashGet
yesterday was a turning point
avast start to scan,pick on FlashGet(Jccatch.dll)
so i go to program settings to add exclusions,but no use
i go to On-Acess Protection Control-Standard Shield-Customize-Advanced- add exclusion,still no use
i even reinstall avast,no use
the only solution is turn off Standard Shield,so it won’t scan
avast is my fav antivirus,FlashGet is my fav download manager
someone please tell me what to do
The reason why avast may pick on FlashGet is because it is labeled as spyware/adware by many Anti-Spyware companies. Jccatch.dll is the program’s BHO (Browser Help Object). According to user opinion, FlashGet is said to be harmless and the BHO is to track download links. FlashGet was apparently or still is ad-supported which could also lead to its detection. Other Anti-Spyware companies have began to remove it from their detection.
I’ve used FlashGet a lot of time.
After the ‘adware’ problem of 1.71 version, I’ve changed to Free Download Manager. Does the same, does it better. No more FlashGet…