When downloading malwarebytes, how can users be sure the prog itself is not malicious? I know thats a silly question but I just wanted to ask. Theres Always reference to malwarebytes on these forums and users recommending it. CAN AVAST VOUCH FOR IT’S AUTHENTICITY?. The user interface seems really amateur in my opinion. I also wanted to ask, when u uninstall a program off your pc, is it normal for info to still remain under Windows registry for the uninstalled prog.?
The only thing Malwarebytes is guilty of is cleaning systems for free everyday.
Well, I don’t speak for Avast!, but I’ll jump the gun and guess they would say its ok. ;D
Normal? Yes. Annoying and potentially problematic? Also yes.
We, the avast users on the forum aren’t about to recommend something which isn’t ‘authentic’ or may hurt your system (but we can’t speak for avast and I rather doubt they would comment directly), as you can see from many peoples signatures including mine many are using it.
Me I’m of the old school of function over aesthetics any day, it is plain, but function and quite good at what it does.
It rather depends on a) the program and b) exactly what it is in the registry.
Let me add to the above.
You can always check the security certificate before installing to insure that it is a legitimate Malwarebytes installer package. Right click the installation package, open properties then click on the digital signature tab. And always download from a trusted website. Check the URL to make sure you have not been redirected.
The recommendations to use Malwarebytes as a secondary scanner/cleaner are mainly from users like myself and not necessarily from Avast team members. Check other internet security related forums and Malwarebytes is normally highly recommended for this role.
If anyone on this forum recommends anything harmful it is not overlooked and is corrected quickly.