You see, Avast I’ve recently updated its virus definations to version 121126-0, but after I update, turned out so many my programs Is deleted :‘( :’( :‘( :’( , but before the update, the programs are not deleted … . This matter where ya brothers all, Help me, my laptop is a mess because many programs are deleted,
Avast doesn’t delete, it scans for infection and alerts the user.
The default action is to send the infected file to the Chest (not deleted), unless the user changed the default actions or elects to delete the file it should be there somewhere in the chest.
Can you give more information on:
What scan you were running ?
Give an example of the file name/s, location/s and malware name/s for some of the detections ?
oo, why my program doesn’t running after avast detection the program.??? if avast scan for infections and alerts the user, why the program .exe there is no virus chest…???
example C:/Program Files/UltraISO/unins000.exe … an more file detections
If you aren’t actually running a scan - Something has to be accessing that file as there would be no reason for avast to scan it otherwise. Even then it shouldn’t simply delete it. There is an avast chest, from the avastUI, Maintenance, Virus Chest - check that and see there are any files there.
Even if the file in your example were removed, that is presumably the uninstaller for that program. Removing that shouldn’t stop the program from running, it may however stop it from being uninstalled.
You don’t say what the malware name is as that may give a clue as to what actually detected it and why ?
What were you doing at the time of the detection ?
Was it perhaps that you were installing this UltraISO program ?
So there is something else going on here as this isn’t normal behaviour.
The more information you can provide helps us to help you and right now there is insufficient information to help. I don’t know if you might prefer to post this in the sub-forum for your language But if this is a genuine infection that requires a malware removal specialist, they are more used to using English.
Avast not reading programs as malware, but he read it as a Trojan,
when detected, the program automatically deleted, programs normally would go into the virus chest, or usually give orders to avast users, whether avast will remove, repair or move to chest, but in this case, avast does not do it .
then, UltraISO already installed but when I run the program, avast detects a virus and automatically delete the program, I was very confused
haha, did I use google translation to write this thread, I have made a thread in, but no one replied, give advice, and help fix the problem my face :‘( :’(