About: Official statement on the recent news about privacy

About this post: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=231828.0

How can I configure the settings on the console to avoid the share of a company data (Options >> General >> Personal privacy)?

Hi Infratech Solutions,
please refer to the official press release: https://press.avast.com/avast-to-commence-wind-down-of-subsidiary-jumpshot and to the message from Avast CEO: https://blog.avast.com/a-message-from-ceo-ondrej-vlcek. This setting is not relevant/functional, data is not shared with Jumpshot and this setting will be completely removed in future versions of Avast AV.

I can’t believe that aVast has sold my data to third parties. I doubt to continue using aVast.
shame on you, aVast!