About Script Blocker feature...


How can I see the Script Blocker working?

I talking about a website that I can see the avast! blocking it…


Congratulations on EuroCup… Felipão!
You can see the last scanned file into the provider settings window (click the icon on system tray).
You can set the splash screen on startup to see that it is working.

É possível ver o último arquivo escaneado se clicar com o botão esquerdo do rato sobre o ícone na bandeja de sistema. Também é possível saber se o bloqueador está funcionando através da tela inicial ao executar o navegador da Internet. :wink:

Thanks! ;D :stuck_out_tongue:

I know that I can see where you said, but I want to know if the avast! when see a virus in a website, it prompt an option…

If you do not select the ‘Silent mode’ into the Script Block settings, I think you will be prompted… ::slight_smile:

I don’t have it enable…


So, just wait for a virus ;D


Of course, the script blocker does not block all scripts (it was not meant to).

It just blocks virulent scripts, such as VBS.LoveLetter and VBS.Redlof.
Therefore you won’t see Script Blocker in action too often (unless you’re really lucky ;))

Thanks for the info Vlk :wink: