I’ve been read different opinions about this topic in this forum but what is the official statement from Avast?
When Avast internet security is installed it doesn’t deactivate the windows 7 firewall, so? should i leave it that way or should i deactivated manually?
Ok, close it if you want, however i posted here in order for avast to be able to see it and don’t get lost in the other thread full of questions.
update: well only to let to know for the ones interested, i received an official statement from Avast tech support:
Thank you for contacting our support center with your concerns.
avast! and Windows firewalls can rut together without any problem.[/i]
As this is to do with firewalls and windows 7, can I ask apart from the windows firewall, is that enough to keep the laptop safe, or is there another free firewall around that would run together with the windows firewall and Avast 5?
Or is it better to just have the one firewall running?
Better just one software FW, imo. Even if 2 didn’t conflict, it is just a double layer of the same protection.
Any XP or older OS I would say get a 3rd party firewall, so you can get 2-way protection.
This is not counting an external firewall, which I think is always a good idea, if you don’t have one.
psikofunkster, it was posted when avast 5 was in beta phase that the features (the protection) of AIS and Windows Firewall are complementary. I mean, you could (or you should) use both. I can’t give you more details as I don’t remember exactly.
Maybe Lukas could post here.