why in hell doesn’t Avast IS disable windows fwall during the install process ? you can’t expect the average clickn’go noob will even think of this !
Because avast! Firewall is not incompatible with Windows Firewall.
Firewall are not antivirus, and more than one can be used.
Windows Firewall adds features/security over avast! Firewall.
It did when I installed AIS. Windows Firewall is useless.
No, it’s not. It has a role on IPv6.
I’d like to know more about how Avast’s Firewall interacts with Windows own.
Could someone evolve on the subject?
Windows Firewall does not turn itself off when avast! is installed.
In earlier builds (avast! 8.0) both avast! and Windows Firewall would work well together, however, since avast! v9 (2014) has been released that stance has been changed.
You should disable Windows Firewall.
Best is to use a good hardware firewall.
And if you use a laptop that you carry around?
IPV6 is not that widely used yet. And no PC need two firewalls .
IPV6 is not that widely used yet. And no PC need two firewalls .