ABP Error : Cross Domain Policy Error - [CrossDomainError]


Since the Avast! support team seems to ignore my issue, I decided to try my luck here.

After Installing the ABP Console on a windows 2003 Std. Server R2 SP2 [German] (Including all software requirements) trying to access the Console will result in a loop of errors below:
I’ve tried googling for the error, I have only been able to figure out that it seems to be a silverlight related problem - apparently a file: crossdomain.xml acts as configuration for the Cross-Domain policy. I’ve tried editing / replacing this file, and copying to various places but I cannot get rid of the error. So accessing the console is impossible.

Im not sure if this could be relevant, but the server is part of a workgroup and not a domain.



Try to access console through the following URL: https://w2k3:8732/


Same error =/
To be precise, the website cannot be reached over https://w2k3:8732 (Website not found)

I can only reach it via http://w2k3:8731

Weird enough, the link that the installation creates does not work either…

make sure the service status below is started:

  1. avast! administration console = started
  2. avast! administration console monitor = started
  3. HTTP SSL = started
  4. World Wide Web Publishing = started

after that try to access the avast console use browser IE <ipaddress|computername>/avast

Hello SPI, and thank you for your help.

Sadly, the problem still persists.
The avast! administration console service would not start (Would start, then stop, without an error). I changed the service’s account to the local system account and the service will stay “started”.

The admin console is only reachable under http://computername:8731
http://computername/avast or anything other than the previously mentioned will NOT work.

The error STILL pops up as it did before:

Error 1:
Argumente: https://w2k3:8732/Design_Time_Addresses/Avast.Sbc.Service.Core/SbcConnectionPoint/
Debuggingressourcen-Zeichenfolgen sind nicht verfügbar. Oft enthalten der Schlüssel und die Argumente genügend Informationen zur Diagnose des Problems. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=4.0.60531.0&File=System.ServiceModel.dll&Key=CrossDomainError

bei System.ServiceModel.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
bei System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.EndCall(String action, Object outs, IAsyncResult result)
bei System.ServiceModel.ClientBase1.ChannelBase1.EndInvoke(String methodName, Object args, IAsyncResult result)
bei Avast.Net.Console.SbcServiceConnectionPoint.SbcConnectionPointServerClient.SbcConnectionPointServerClientChannel.EndGetLocalizedEnum(IAsyncResult result)
bei Avast.Net.Console.SbcServiceConnectionPoint.SbcConnectionPointServerClient.Avast.Net.Console.SbcServiceConnectionPoint.ISbcConnectionPointServer.EndGetLocalizedEnum(IAsyncResult result)
bei Avast.Net.Console.SbcServiceConnectionPoint.SbcConnectionPointServerClient.OnEndGetLocalizedEnum(IAsyncResult result)
bei System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1.OnAsyncCallCompleted(IAsyncResult result)[/b]

After that, Error 2:

Debuggingressourcen-Zeichenfolgen sind nicht verfügbar. Oft enthalten der Schlüssel und die Argumente genügend Informationen zur Diagnose des Problems. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=4.0.60531.0&File=mscorlib.dll&Key=Arg_COMException

bei MS.Internal.XcpImports.CheckHResult(UInt32 hr)
bei MS.Internal.XcpImports.Control_Raise(Control control, IManagedPeerBase arguments, Byte nDelegate)
bei System.Windows.Controls.TextBox.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Controls.Control.OnKeyDown(Control ctrl, EventArgs e)
bei MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, Int32 actualArgsTypeIndex, String eventName)[/b]

could you please attach log files from the c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Administration Console\Logs\ directory?


is mean all service is run now? did you try to access the avast console from the other PC? before access the avast console try to install the silverlight

I received similar errors, and checked the same as you did. (All services running etc, I also went so far as to reinstall BPP, but it still did not solve it.

The solution for me was to simply uninstall the deployed Avast client (possibly not necessary) from the workstation that I used to access the administration console, in addition to removing Silverlight.

I then went back to the administration console, got a message to install Silverlight, installed it, and I’m now able to access the administration console again :slight_smile:

I was experiencing a similar problem that was pointing to something wrong with Silverlight. The Avast.Sbc.Service_4844.log was registering this error
[30] WARN HttpDomainAccessPolicyRequestListener - Sending 404 result…
I verified the existence of a valid ClientAccessPolicy.xml file in the \AVAST Software\Administration Console folder. As I continued to track down the issue, the problem was that Silverlight application extensions were never registered in IIS. The following link shows how to register the MIME type for Silverlight in various versions of IIS.

I hope this information helps!

I get similar errors, although maybe for different reasons. i tried to uninstall and reinstall silverlight. no luck. mine is SBS 2003, and hasnt worked right from day 1.

I never get this problem, what the step I always do is:

  1. Update all windows update
  2. Install IIS
  3. Install Net Frame work 3.5 and the latest
  4. Install power shell download from windows website
  5. Install SQL express 2008 downloaded from windows website
  6. Install the latest avast bp or bpp program
  7. Stop the mirror from task manager
  8. running the mirror.exe from dos command and make sure the mirror have finished the mirror by check the mirror log file.
  9. after finish the mirror then restart the PC host and login to the console
  10. check the mirror.exe on the task manager, if the mirror.exe is running the end task the mirror.exe
  11. run the server update definitions from avast console

usually work for me, hope this step can help


I’m facing same problem.

I have a windows server 2008 sp2 32 bits with all windows updates, dedicated to avast bpp. Avast BPP install was successfuly and when I try to open the avast console with default desktop shortcut (https), nothing happens, just don’t load the portal. Trying to use http instead, triggers the cross domain error on Silverlight. Why app on http is trying to do something on https?

After studing database and the portal on IIS, i’ve found a way to load the console. This link works : http://myserver/avast/service.aspx?secure=false

Works only when secure is equal to false.

If i try to use http://myserver/avast only, it redirects to https again.

How can I fix this?


Obs: If windows firewall is disabled during setup, setup fails.

Did you istalled the last version
If not, try and report back…

I’ve installed and reinstalled lastest version available at: http://www.avast.com/pt-br/business-protection-plus (downloaded on 2011-10-07)

But setup screen show a different version that you mention.

Do you have a different link or specific setup for an update?


Try this, but the download you’ve posted is now with the new version


Finally… now its working. Thanks!

Obs: The default desktop shortcut still doesn’t works, but typing http://myserver/avast works fine now.

You’re welcome!

But I think you’ve some problem with CA certification on IIS becouse you should use HTTPS.
Did you get a security warning?
Wich browser you’re using IE?
Or try with Firefox and add a security exception…
read more here

please note that new avast! Administration Console (1.1) has been released at the end of last week. Please try that release first (upgrade should work in most of the cases, but the fresh installation over uninstalled previous version should solve possible issues). Than place here all remaining cross domain policy errors and I’ll try to help. Thx. Jan

@victor, sounds like your proxyserver is holding up the old file
You can also seen in the properties of the file which date the file was signed, if its from before this month (October) then its an old file.

I’m using IE because it’s a dedicated server and I don’t want any change that may cause a server problem.

I didn’t try to check why default shortcut persists not working (page not reached at that time), maybe was a cache problem.

But now its working!

Obs: On installation, if windows firewall is disabled or stopped, setup fails with no clear message. This is a good advise for future setup builds.

Thanks you all.