Access Anywhere

Just got avast premier.
Is avast anywhere the remote assistant? or am i missing something?

To use remote assistant it requires you to get a code in order to connect to another pc.

I swear when i ready it the other day it said that as long as access anywhere was enabled on the machine any other computer using avast under the same login could access it.

ideally we want to be able to access any office computer when we are out at meetings and was one of the main reasons why we chose to use avast.

tried searcing avast FAQ

also, when i go to account it shows the other computers as offline but they are all currently on and being used.

I tried the quid in the FAQ but when i go to tools access anywhere does not show and i cannot find anything in the settings section to enable it.

anyone able to help on this?

You can either help someone or they can help you but you need a code.
To help someone else, they need to forward the code to you and the reverse if you want someone to help you.
From what I know, this isn’t designed to manage computers without getting an access code from the other side.

It used to be in avast premier but they removed access anywhere and replaced it with remote assistant in which you need a code.In my opinion when they did this it makes no sense in buying premier when you can get internet security for a lot less cash.You can always use team veiwer for the access your looking for.

My error, to view Access Anywhere in action take a look at the following video I just put together.
Unfortunately you still need to give permission for access to the remote computer. :cry:


Thats the thing bob someone has to be on the other end to allow connection.In previous versions of premier using access anywhere this wasnt the case,you could access the computer at anytime with no one on the other end.

Totally agree with you. You certainly can’t access it from everywhere if you need to be at the remote computer in order to allow access.
The only difference is that this doesn’t need a code but it still isn’t helpful.
I’m reporting this to a Moderator for some assistance.

Like the person who started this thread access anywhere is the reason i chose premier over internet securty.Apart from auto software updater there not much difference aside from the price.

Access Anywhere is supposed to be available in all version. Including the free version which I used to create the video. :slight_smile:

Access anywhere doesnt exist anymore,you mean remote assistance.They were 2 different control options as access anywhere was only in premier which recently was removed. down to whats new in beta 1 and its says access anywhere was removed)

I guess you didn’t watch the video. Access anywhere is available even in the free version of Avast.

I did watch it and it doesnt say access anywhere.I have premier and used access anywhere and it is not there(it was removed),remote assistance is there.Access anywhere was able to connect to any computer i had premier installed on without a code,permission or someone on the other end.The remote control they have now doesnt have that ability to do that.Bob,all im saying is whatever its called now it doesnt have that feature of the previous access anywhere that was only in premier version.

I believe there is no more AccessAnywhere anymore. It was removed. I don’t know why you still have it Bob.

This worked but still needs to other computer to allow the connection, is there any way to always allow it?

Thank you for all our help guys :smiley:

So the time between me talking to the sales guy and buying the product access anywhere got removed :frowning:

  • AccessAnywhere feature is removed and replaced with remote connection feature available through Account screen in all editions(not limited to Premier)
    To me, this is a play on words, Remote connection means the same as AccessAnywhere.
    The problem is that you need to give permission before the connection to the remote computer can be made.
    This needs to be fixed.

Not quite since Remote connection was designed to access other people system and thus the permission code, and Access Anywhere your own systems so that you could manage them remotely, but yes, I grant you that both perform the same task.

I agree Bob. Since Access Anywhere was dumped, Remote Connection should not need a code to access your own account systems, and should be a fix to work on your own systems in the account permanently.