"Access Denied" ??? Error

Thorough Scan with archives Enabled receive error messages on files that I believe have been sent to a vault from a previous Norton Anti-Virus program used approx. 2 years ago.
Win32: Trojan-gen {UV}
Access Denied

Cannot rename, delete, repair or move to chest.

Another 7 files wtih the same error message with this file being located:
(files are A0006327, 329, 330, 332, 333, 383)

2 more files with same error message with path being:
(A0000346.CPY and A0000347.CPY)

Can I ignore these errors? If not, what do I need to do?
Please advise.


Win32:Trojan-gen: Access denied error means you can’t delete/rename/… file because it’s using… Please read the removal instructions: http://www.cexx.org/tsadkill.htm.

C:_RESOTRE\ARCHIVE\FS13.CAB - please send me the file. Thanks.