Accessing causes a phishing alert

Found this:

Do not go to the site in the subject line. This is a valid block.

Not a False positive.

Just like the title says.
When assessing the site you get the warning that is a phishing site.

Please update your def. files.

This is with the latest updates.

You can currently access the site by adding this site to the trusted domain list. Keep in mind once this is added, there is no way to currently remove it.
There is currently no option to manage this listing, which should be in a future update.

I am getting no Alert at my end with the actual Beta of Avast 2014. This was already discussed here:

[u][i][b]Thanks. Found this:

Do not go to the site in the subject line. This is a valid block.[/b][/i][/u]

I am having the same problem.

Which site?

the site: - which when you need to sign in, it redirects you to a page at

I think it is a false positive and not a phishing site.
How can it be a phishing site? It is actually a yahoo server. And I have a SiteKey setup on my yahoo account (a picture I uploaded) that the page does display when I go there and the cookie for it is present in my browser.
Unless yahoo’s servers themselves are compromised.
What other explanations are there?

I have this alert on two computers. My friends are also having the same alert.
Could someone try the following steps out to reproduce the alert?
1- Clear Firefox history.
2- make sure that the avast plugin is enabled.
3- Enter at the address bar (not from a link)
Does it show a phishing alert?

What it is flagging for me is the add on (Yahoo Mail Notifier 1.05) this is a false positive. I found it in the chest and restored it to the exclusion list.

GTX66: You can report the file as false positive if you right click on the file in the chest and choose
send to virus lab, there you can choose false positive. :smiley:

I have this alert on firefox and chrome. IE 10 crashes when visiting disabling the Avast plugin fixes everything!

Did anyone try this to replicate the alert?