Hello. Avast offered me to have 60 day free premium, with credit card that starts billing after 60 days. I accidently put a wrong email. that I don’t know if exists even. Even worse, I also lost it when I closed the page so I don’t know what it is!
that is REALLY BAD. That means that I created an account with my CREDIT CARD linked to an email I don’t have! So someone if this email exists someone has access to an account with my credit card and even if it doesn’t exists I can’t cancel the trial!!!
I’m really panicking right now, EVERY BIT of Avast’s support website requires you to have an order number which I don’t have and is in the email sent to the address I don’t have!
I’m nearly an hour in to calling Avast with no one answering. Extra panic when I don’t know how much calling outside my country costs! I may see a giant fee from this call that no one has answered yet. Still waiting with music in the background. Number is +18443409251 BTW, what the heck is wrong with it?? I asked for support not music/
What can I do?? the only thing I have is my computer linked to the Avast premium so I do have the subscription number but outside of that it just says next bill in November 20 and I can’t do anything about it! How can Avast link a credit card to an email you hadn’t confirmed like every website like when you change password?
I know nothing. What the heck do I do? Just cancel my credit card?
Go to https://account.avast.com/
at that site, select Account settings
go to Email management
Add the correct email address.
Once that’s verified, you can remove the incorrect email address.
Yes, but will that resolve the fact that the initial response from avast after purchase with the Order ID and Registration/license wouldn’t get to the user
I accidentally put a wrong email. that [b]I don't know if exists even[/b].
The above highlighting is mine, if it is a typo to a non-existent email address, then it may require some more to retrieve this order information.