Account connection

Have just uploaded latest Avast 7 free and am a bit confused over some of the functions…

  1. Under Cloud Services ‘Account’ settings it says the controls on this page allow you to connect avast with an online account.
    What’s that for? (mine says ‘Disconnected’) Should it be connected to some sort of account?

  2. There is a check box (checked) that says ‘Report program status to the account’.
    What is the reason for that?

  3. I have the Cloud ‘file reputation service’ checked.
    What happens if I open an unknown (to Avast) file that is actually safe?

Thanks for any advice.


Cloud services and the new “account” thing are not related at all (at least for now). Reporting the program status to the account only means that Avast will report to your account (that you created), if everything’s okay locally, ie all shields are running etc…

Otherwise the new cloud services are brand new, and you can still consider that you’re running a safe system if you don’t use them. Cloud connections only enhance security for now: streaming updates to get the latest virus def in real time, while file rep can generate a sandbox alert if the file you’re downloading or launching is suspicious, unknown, etc… right, this said your first line of defense remain the file shield, and the web shield.

The account is an online portal to manage all your avast installations and see statistics of the real time shields.

It reports to the account if the program is fully functional and up-to-date.

You’ll be warned.

Thanks for the explanations Logos and Tech. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :slight_smile: