Account Website Down?

I have tried to log in to my Account yesterday and today. All times have failed. Is the Avast MyAccount website down?

I can log to Try to clean internet histroy with CCleaner and see if you still have problems with

I tried the CCleaner. This is weird, I can lon in to My Account using Firefox but not with IE-8 (Win. XP, SP-3). Even when I Google MyAvast and click the link I cannot get website. ??? This is only happening on this website with IE-8. Not having problems with any other websites.

Stay with FF then. :wink:

No problem here either on firefox but get the ’ Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage’ error displayed in IE8. Diagnose Connection Problems fails find any problem.

Fortunately I don’t use IE8, but FF 21.0 as my default browser.

Thanks DavidR for the reply. At least I know it isn’t my computer now. :slight_smile:

True, but it should work with IE-8 also. :wink:

Working perfectly fine for me using Google Chrome. 26.