I just did a clean install of 7.0.1426 on two computers that had 7.0.1407 (pro). Windows 7. I had no problems with making a Avast Account but this time they show connected in the program but when I go to the web site no devices are shown. Is this just from server overload? Just wanted to know if anyone else is seeing this or just me? 7.0.1426 is working great on both computer except for the devices showing up in the web account. thanks slybo
yes having the same problem with 5 systems upgraded from version 7.0.1414 (clean install i.e de installation and re installation) over 6 hours ago (3 x Win7 and 2 x XP SP3). After many hours and although Avast GUI all says they are connected I have no updates in the my.avast.com account
Thanks gillest, I think I will check out the scans and come back after and see if this gets resolved. Not going to worry if someone else is seeing this also. thanks slybo
You see them not updated, or there are no computers listed at all?
If the latter, were you using any of the v7 betas (and tried to connect them to the same account)?
yes, in my case upgraded from 1414 (wich was showing in my.avast.com) to 1426 (deinstal/reinstall). I only have 1 account and 5 systems show all connected on the GUI. I would have expected as a minimum, if no longer recognized, that they would have showed as “New Device” on the device list?
If you think it would help I could pm you my my.avast.com account email address?
When I first installed 7.0.1407 it would not update the information at myavastcom and so I disconnected in the program and reconnect to get it to work and landed up with double entry for each computer. I had to delete the extra device from myavastcom and then everything was good. This time with clean install of 7.0.1426 when I log on it showed the devices but they had the wrong defs listed. So I deleted them from the online account and the UI of avast thinking this might have been the previous install and then reconnected in the UI thinking it would put them back on the myavastcom site. So now they are showing connect in the UI of avast but no devices show up in myavastcom. I might have caused some of this and just need to wait for the system to catch up but thought since it was showing connected in the UI of avast it should show up at myavastcom within a few minutes. Hope this is more of what you need to know. thanks slybo
Same here, the devices were there in my account but not communicating. I deleted both of them figuring a reconnection would start me off fresh again. I connected through the GUI on both machines and neither one will show up at all on the account page.
I have the same problem.
Not since update from .1414 to .1426 but since the last 2 or 3 weeks from the first version 7 beta on through all versions up to .1426 :‘( :’(
I never saw any device on my.avast.com, only the default page!
See post: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=94922.0
Yes I had all through the betas the same account and also connected with version .1426 to that account!
They were working and showing for me with the betas and with 1407. Sometimes they would stop communicating so I deleted them and reconnected through the GUI and they would show back up and work. Now, with 1426, they don’t show at all.
Same over here but they also never showed before all through the beta test and there was and is no way to convince my computer to show up on the “Device” page.
Just tried going into avast>settings>account and disconnecting and closing program, then going back and connecting, then checking myavastcom and no devices is all I see. It is still not working. This is what worked before with 7.0.1407 but is not working with 7.0.1426. Just wanted to give an update. slybo
looked in my.avast. account this morning and out of the 5 systems not being updated there is 1 (XP SP3) that was updated 9 hours ago finally. This is a laptop that I have, that is always on. and where I have set the update rate to 15 mins (same with other systems not reporting). Although it updated to the latest virus db this morning it is still showing yesterday`s virus def since the web site says it communicated last 9 hours ago…
Is anyone from Avast looking into this issue with the my.avast.com account?
Maybe these accounts need to be closed and reopened? How do you close a my.avast.com account?
Since I have an open ticket with this matter I want to share the last reply to me from avast! support:
There are still some “bugs” in My avast! account. It’s not working properly at this time.
Our team have been working on these problems.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience."[/i]
I hope this gives a little bit of an answer to the open questions.
I am trying to reproduce the problem here in our avast! QA lab, but without success. Would it be OK for some of you to help us a bit with debugging?
We need to figure out, whether your avast! tries to connect to the my.avast account or not. This can be nicely done using e.g. Wireshark (http://www.wireshark.org/download.html). I don’t know if you are familiar with this tool or not, so I will rather describe the process in a few steps:
- Install and run the Wireshark
- On the main screen, in the “Capture” section, click on the network interface, which you use to connect to the Internet
- This starts the capturing of all packets, we need just those ones related to the my.account
- In the “Filter:” field, write this expression: http.host == vl.ff.avast.com
- In the avast! GUI settings, the “Account” section, set the “Update frequency:” to 1 minute (just for the debugging purposes)
- Go back to the Wireshark. You should see there a new http request to “http://vl.ff.avast.com/F/some_stuff” every minute
If you do not see any requests, please open your browser and type in the address bar the http://vl.ff.avast.com/ address. That should also generate a visible record in the Wireshark.
Now, if your browser generates the requests, but avast! does not, then we will have to look more into the program itself.
Please let me know how did it go. Hopefully, we will figure out, what the root cause of the problem is.
Is this wireshark a program that install and can then be uninstalled from the control panel like most programs? Will I need to know anything about files it may leave so I can delete all of it? I may have time in the next few days, how long would all this take?
getting this error when I start Wireshark:
[b]Invalid capture filter: “http.host == vl.ff.avast.com”!
That string looks like a valid display filter; however, it isn’t a valid
capture filter (syntax error).
Note that display filters and capture filters don’t have the same syntax,
so you can’t use most display filter expressions as capture filters.
See the User’s Guide for a description of the capture filter syntax[/b].
please advise. Also note that Wireshark version downloaded is 1.6.5
I can see by your post gillest that this is a little over my head, I will watch the thread and if it gets sorted out and something I can easily do and my help is needed I will try. Looks like you know enough to do this. Thanks slybo
Just disconnected from the account and reconnected through the GUI. No devices showing. I also am daunted by the wireshark thing.
Connect to account, update frequency 1 minute, no devices shown.
Tried from 2 machines several times today, tried with a new email and could not get any device to show.
Having read this thread and downloaded Wireshark I tried to connect and there was a" new device14 " shown and the account stated the last connection was "4 hours ago so the system appears to connect correctly but the account page is failing to display the information. Disconnect again and then reconnect and no device is shown , waited 15 minutes still no devices shown.
Wireshark is polling connections to avast.
see attachment for capture results, Under info the 3 x GET are when I just clicked on the url in your post
Hope this helps
BTW My account still does not update.