Estou compartilhando um problema postado em nossa página do Facebook por um dos nossos usuários.
Ele tem deficiência visual e informa que o Avast está detectando todas os leitores de tela como falsos positivos: “nvda, jaws e virtual vision”.
Alguém do Laboratório de Vírus pode resolver esse problema? Obrigado.
I’m forwarding a problem posted in Facebook for one of our users.
He is vision impaired and is reporting Avast detects all tools as false positives: “nvda, jaws and virtual vision”.
Can anybody from VirusLab take a closer look on this issue? Thanks.
I find it hard to believe that almost every new interface/program uodate that comes out, accessibility and the tools used for the visually impaired seem to have issues.
These tools I would have thought would already have been scanned previously and or been whitelisted in the avast cloud. It would be hard to believe that a new version of avast would coincide with a program update for these visually impaired tools.
There is another problem (besides the false positives): tools can’t read “pictures”. Some buttons are “pictures” to them. The impaired users can’t use Avast anymore.
I don’t know if you give a text description to a button (image or otherwise), in the same way you can do for other web images then the accessibility tools should pick up on that.
Lisandro, why are you listed as a "member"of avast ?
If you really are a member of avast then why don’t you simply contact the correct department within avast and ask them to have a look at things/solve things?
And about the (as you call it) FP’s in the software for vision impaired people…
Are they really FP’s or are they detected/reported as Filerep(gen) ?
Not sure, because I did not test the apps recommended by our users.
I wish we could solve the other issue first as false positives could be solved easily (after being reported).
Yes, Red. We need to.
I receive info that here there are more international rules that “should” be taken by software makers.