Activating Internet Securrity from Free Version ?

I purchased the Internet Security 3 computer licence for half price using the link from the free registered program and all went well. I received the e-mail saved the licence file and went to Registration and upgrade on the free version and followed the instructions and it said it had successfully installed the licence .
But it does not seem to update to the Internet Security version it still says it is a free version .
Do you need to first install the Internet Security trial version and then activate this ?

Carlo Wingfield

I think you have to go to the Maintenance Tab>Update and do “Update Program”.

I have used the update program but it thinks it is the free version and just says it is up to date for the free version .

Carlo Wingfield

Save your avastlic-file on a safe location.
Then follow this instruction:

That requires to uninstall first. But I will prefer to first try updating the PROGRAM and then if unsuccessful try the alternatives. Uninstall Avast, Download Avast Internet Security Installer and Install it…

You don’t want to uninstall, but then you write “Uninstall avast”… so what is your point?
If you do it, do it right from the beginning. Saves you time.

I said If Unsuccessful then try alternatives means Uninstallation (what you suggested). If just updating the program can solve the problem, then why should we go for uninstallation and reinstallation. In past when I used Avast pro 4.8, I installed the key in the Avast free version and updated the program. After a restart it got converted to the pro version.

I don’t care. It’s the OPs choice on how to proceed. ;D

Did you tried to update the program/engine and virus definitions after inserting the key? If that didn’t solved your problem try Zyndstoff’s solution…

That’s what he wrote. Inserted the key and went to “update program” in the UI.
However, he can try and download the Pro-installer and just install that “on top”. Might work also without any uninstallation - no guarantee though.

I missed his post… :stuck_out_tongue:

true… ::slight_smile:

All seems ok now .

I installed the Internet Security on top of the Free program , it first uninstalled the free program , restarted then installed the Internet Security program , in doing so it prompted me for the location of the licence file .

It then restarted and everything seems ok . Thanks for the suggestions .

Carlo Wingfield

Good to know this… :slight_smile: