I need help on how to make avast work normally as is it playing up
You could start by telling us exactly what the problem is.
What is your OS ?
What were you doing at the time ?
What errors are you getting (suspect “usigetskin failed, etc.”) ?
If So:
About the “usigetskin failed” issue, if the avast! repair does not solve it:
You will have to register ACTSKIN4.OCX
Follow the instructions:
Select START → RUN…
Enter the following command:
If you have Windows NT or 2000:
If you have Windows 95, 98 or ME:
If you have Windows XP:
If you have Windows x64:
Press OK (or Enter).
A message saying that the file was successfully registered should appear…
For some reason, ActiveSkin (the 3rd party library avast uses for skinning) does not seem to be working on your system. As a workaround, we may disable skinning in avast - that should solve the problem. Program Settings, Common, and uncheck any option with skins mentioned (see image, avast-no-skin).
If you are unable to access the above you can do this manually. To do that, open the file \data\avast4.ini, look up the [UserInterface] section, and add the following entry: StartWithSkin=0
thanks that seems to work tho the interface is ugly I know I am pushing my luck here but does anyone know why this is happening and how to make avast work with skins?
O.S windows xp I was trying to do a scan and this came up Dll Register in ACTISKIN4. OCX failed. Return code was 0x8002009
Can you read carefully this: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=19857.msg166781#msg166781
and follow, again, the instructions?
Please, don’t post twice the same, you just double the help effort
That is the default windows style interface.
I assume that the skins did work previously since you have been a forum member for some time ?
What has changed recently (new programs, graphics updates, etc.) prior to this happening ?
Are you using any other skinning application like windows blinds ?
The “Dll Register in ACTISKIN4. OCX failed” could be because there is a missing or corrupt file, try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.
If that doesn’t work try, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.
Other than the above points I really don’t know why it wouldn’t work.
sorry but I need double the help as no one can tell me how to mark the skin problem work (I have disabled skins and it is working but I want to use it with skins) I am thankful for the help so far
I have not used or done anything to my computer ie added any new programmes I even did a system restore but that caused more problems well what happens is none of the 7 providers was working and would not start I tried repair and restarting in windows
Unfortunately all it is doing is causing double the effort for those trying to help and duplication of suggested solutions as two topics can’t be monitored for what has and hasn’t been asked, answered or suggested.
I think your only course of action now is a reinstall.
Uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.
It would probably be best to download the latest version of avast and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.
I have tried what you have suggested only for the skins issue to happen again is there anyway I could download the file I need off the web?
Unfortunately not, the actiskin4 module isn’t an avast product but it uses it for the skins and it is bundled with avast so the skins work. You have tried all the options from trying to register it, avast repair and reinstall so something has changed on your system that in some way has broken or stopped the actiskin4.ocx working.
You are left with just the no skin option that we have told you about.
You never did answer my question if skinning worked for you previously ?
If the answer was yes then something external to avast has changed and I have no idea what that might be.
Yes it was running before is it possible doing that a system restore could of caused the skin problem hmmmm
I know the actskin is not a avast product but can I download the actskin4 file from the web or could I do change something in my registry that will fix the problem tho that is a last chance option
I honestly don’t know, I’m just an avast user like yourself, even if you were able to identify what files needed to be downloaded and from where. A google search for ActiveSkin and see if there is information about it, what version (see about avast for existing version) and how to install, etc.
Even then I don’t know how successful that might be avast has an integrity checker that can replace/repair files, but I don’t know if that extends to the actiskin. If it did, it is possible that avast could set it back to the original version that came with avast.
Yes… system restore could mess the registration of libraries (dll) and drivers.
I don’t think it is a free application. It’s strange that the registration process is failing… are you the administrator of the computer or you’re running a common account?
Yep I am signed in and was when I downloaded avast I used the admin account the reg process is not failing but trying to run it with skin brings up the error message above when it did not before how do you get in touch with the people that make avast as surely they will know what version of skins avast is using and all the rest
I have told you where to find the version of ActiveSkin being used by avast in my last post and posted an image of it.
I don’t see any image? Does the people that make avast come on here and or how do you get in touch
oooops I see the image now sorry
right I checked and is says version unknown hmmm what a great help lol but ill look for the version you posted which is
There really is no point in looking for the same version as the result would potentially be the same as I’m reasonably sure it is an outside influence. If it isn’t avast then you have to change the other possibility so trying later version of the ActiveSkin and see if that resolves the problem, but I have very low expectations of that.
Good luck.