Ad banner back ?

Hello everyone,

I think the ad banner in home version is back.(see pic) time observed : 9:50 AM IST.

Not here.
Using database 090831-0.

Doesn’t bother me, actually. :smiley:

I too am using database 0908031-0. ??? ???

Its there on my Windows 7 system but it does not bother me and looks rather nice IMHO.

Are you running Microsoft security essentials and Avast at the same time?
isn`t Microsoft Security Essentials also antivirus, wont there be a conflict?

MSE compliments avast! and I have no problem running both and in fact it detected one of my favorite applications Event Log Explorer as rogue and removed it much to my dismay:

I also see the ads… So i think they did put it back…

I don’t mind the ad, actually like it, the one thing I prefer is the normal layout of the more details window…

One little issue with this layout, the avast logo is also added at the top right, and it doesn’t quite fit in one case (image)
But, as 5 is coming and a new GUI, I don’t think this will be a major problem…


I too don’t have any problems with the banner. :stuck_out_tongue:
thanks for the replies guys.

It isn’t so much the banner (I still don’t like its size, position and colour), but the wording as again is is effectively running down the Protection afforded by the Home version. Which in 4.8 couldn’t be further from the truth, only with the introduction of version 5.0 will there be any significant differences (function wise) between the Home, a.k.a. Free version and whatever they deside to call the Pro version.

I thought we had gotten past that type of wording after the last introduction of the ad on the last marketing push.

Seems it will be Premium.

That will not be the case if you happen to use avast! 5 (beta) MSE and avast!5 do conflict so enjoy it while you can. :slight_smile:

Yes, they conflict right now.
Vlk said that the new beta release will have correct this situation.

My primary concern at the moment is netbook platform. avast! is not optimized too well for small screens.
avast! 5 doesn’t look too well and avast! 4.8 with this banner is also way too large for 1024x600. It just doesn’t look too good.

Yes, with the on-access window 561x571 it wouldn’t leave much room on a 1024x600 resolution. For me even on my 26" 1920x1200 I still feel this on-access window is too big.

Mine’s a little smaller (1920 x1080 22") and I don’t think it is too big. (It actually displays at 570x580 on mine)

I think the problem is that on the more details page, it is the wrong size, with the less details, it fits the window and doesn’t really look out of place except maybe for the colours…
anyways, this will be dealt with in V5…:wink:

I just took my measurements from a SnagIt screen capture and that effectively adds 1x1 pixels to the count. That is for the More Details view as it is the only one I use, that weighs in at 453x571, whilst this is better balanced I still don’t like it.

For what is actually being displayed (more details view), it is I feel too big as it has for me large amounts of empty space and the banner just makes it seem unbalanced

I only use the more details view also, and I think it was better like this:
(although it is a little wider there)

EDIT:BTW, 26" is practically a TV, no? I’m still getting used to mine…it’s almost too big for me, fullscreen apps don’t look so good…

You should be lucky to have a 1920x1080 screen.I have a 1280x800 screen and sometimes I feel it is too small even in full screen mode

I know I am lucky, this is the first new pc I’ve ever had, and I’m very thankful for it. (and for my parents getting it) I was just saying it takes a bit of getting used to…