"Add this device to your Avast account"....

I’ve begun getting this message (I’ve never seen it before) even though my protection seems to be working & just downloaded, installed & rebooted data from Avast today. Prompted for email address & password (have no idea what password it wants) - tried several, was rejected & when I used “forgot password” to try to retrieve a password, it says “no account associated with this address” (paraphrasing)…tried the ONLY two other emails I’ve got (& could have possibly used, although it is unlikely) & it rejected both of them. I had to register to use this forum…also tried that info (just in case) but to no avail.

How could my Avast account not be associated with this computer???

Also, as I’ve used Avast for some time - how could I NOT have an email registered??

What password is it prompting me for (which I’ve never been prompted for before today!!!)?


I have the exact situation. Was there no reply?

  • The ‘device’ is the avast installation you are using at the time.
  • The ‘Your Account’ it is talking about is the my.avast.com web portal that you created, did you create one ?
  • The password it is asking for is the one you created for the my.avast.com account/portal.

In the avastUI > Settings > General - Avast Account Status. It will tell you if that installation is connected to an account or not. See attached image, mine is connected to my.avast.com account, yours will probably show not connected/connect (or words to that effect).

If you are going from Avast8 to Avast9 FREE version do you need to create an account ?
In Avast8 it is just a registration process with email…it says you are logged into your account but if you double click on your email within Avast8 it brings you to my.avast.com but since you never did password prior you need to create an account I guess. Thus, guess I’m confused that while I’m logged into something in Avast8 I guess it is just a “registration” not a true account ? Does avast 9 work the same way or do they require you for FREE version to create an account ?

Also, what is the purpose of “device” in Avast9 ?


If you don’t have an account, regardless of the version you previously had, then you may require it with avast 9.

I still don’t know if you only have one avast installation (device) then there isn’t much point in having an account or if it is mandatory (wouldn’t make sense if it was an off-line system). You can monitor that single installation within your system.

Sorry “Also, what is the purpose of “device” in Avast9” isn’t very clear
If you mean the avastUI > My Devices, why don’t you try clicking on it - You still need to login then it opens in the avastUI not the browser my.avast.com portal.

Ahhh…I get it you can monitor other devices you may have thru one account and also see that within the program…not just online.
I have many home PCs in Avast8 and “register” them via the email of the person using each PC…so not one “account”. So, in the Avast8 FREE world there is no “account” but the email shows as logged in when you click the “Account” in top right corner. I don’t see myself changing this use-case (perhaps will) but I wonder if Avast9 Free makes you “Create” and account or if it just works like Avast8 Free…I assume the latter because the install-over and clean installs don’t ever ask for passwords. Am I correct or mistaken ?

I had my account even in avast 8, it was on the Home page (top right) Account, see image.

You can still create an account at my.avast.com or if you have one, you can link those avast 8 installations/devices to the single account.