Add to exclusion List...

Please, make an option, when avast detect new virus, below all option add “Add to exclusion List”…this option will simple my life in detecting viruses…HELP ME…

Why would you want to exclude a virus ?

umm… nobody… its for FP’s… and i absolutely agree with this idea, ive asked for a method to achieve similar results but avast isnt interested it seems

You are right, we don’t want to make any one-click add to exclusion list, on purpose.
In the submissions of false positives, we can see the huge amount of users - reporting obvious malware as false positives (and it’s not such a simple operation, you have to fill all the fields in the submission window). It’s pretty clear that these people would click the “add to exclusions” button, no matter how many warnings would be around that, and execute the malware. So, we don’t want to make it any easier - because we believe that this case is much more common than the real false positives.

For experiences users who can reliably say what is a false positive… adding the file to the exclusion list is not that hard (and it’s hopefully an operation you don’t have to do every day).

ur right it isnt exactly the hardest thing, but it is a bit annoying. ive always felt that yes, dont have the option in the default send to chest alert setting, but when a user goes thru the effor to manually set it up to ASK on detections, dont u think thats the type of user that should have an option in the drop down ASK choices to either ignore/add the file to exclusions? i mean that would follow ur idea of an experienced user that wants full control while leaving the inexperienced that leave their AV’s on default settings completely as is


+1 too
I think a non-default setting could be a good thing for advanced users.

Exactly !
I found that many features of Avast when set on “Ask” , they just don’t do what title says, yes…you will receive alert but choices in those alerts are almost none. That’s not cool, afaik Avast can remove “Ask” option completely because in reality that option doesn’t do anything.
Even with file shield, when you set it on Ask, there is no option “Do nothing” or “Ignore” , let alone “Ignore & add to exclusions”.

Avast thinks that users would by chance click on “Ignore” , but those novice users would have to set file shields options to “Ask” in the first place in order to make any mistakes like that. So, that’s kinda weird :o

well ive been saying this since the the beggining of v5 and everytime it gets turned down so dont get ur hopes up for avast to realize that people want this when they choose the ASK option ::slight_smile:

what i wonder now is, what is the point of even having an “x” to close the alert windows since all that does is still block access to the file, seems pointless and deceptive to have it at all

Well, I give up on Avast.

Maybe they will listen at some point in the future, but I doubt.

Good luck firzen771 :slight_smile:

and yet again this thread will die out and the request will be overlooked

Sorry, I don’t think it’s “overlooked”. We are aware of the request, but in this particular case, we simply don’t find it a good idea (or, if you wish, don’t want to implement that).

hmm, well could the “x” button to close the alert box when u choose the ASK option be removed since it has no real function other than to block then? its a little misleading