Hi! I have the latest version of Avast! Free on a Windows 7 x64 laptop and I don’t have Browser Protection and Remote Asistence under Additional Protection. Why is that so, where can I set this? Thank you!
I rebooted and now rebooted again - to no avail. Is there really no other way but the Avast Repair? I will have to spend half an hour setting all my custom settings again…
Repair doesn’t cull your custom settings (certainly not for me) despite what it says. Not to mention you can export your settings anyway and import them should it be necessary as some point in time.
Check the avastUI, Settings, Maintenance, section, Settings Backup.
I tried the repair and the problem was still there. Then I exported the settings, uninstalled the Avast program, installed it from an executable file off the Avast site, imported the settings and - the problem is gone.
I don’t know why this happened, any ideas? I had problems with Avast program update for the last three program updates or so.
Another thing: when I downloaded an Avast Free executable (installer) from the Avast site it came in my native language and then I installed the English language pack (as I prefer to have Avast in English). Is there a way to instantly download an English installer instead of the native-language one?
Its weird that you have had it on the last three updates, I haven’t had any problem with the updates (like yours) one either of my systems over that time.
I gust wonder if you have any security based application (firewall, anti-spyware, registry protection, etc.) that might interfere with the update.