ADNM alerts with Google Apps mail

We use Google Apps Premiere for our e-mail. I’d like to add a service account to it, to be used by ADNM and the Netclient for sending virus alerts. However, Gmail (which is all that Google Apps is) requires outgoing SMTP to use TLS on port 587. I think I already know the answer, but is there a way to get ADNM to do this?

At present I have an internal Sendmail server that’s not open to the world that relays these alerts. However, it appears Netclients send an alert and don’t continue trying - so when laptops are offsite, they don’t retry when they come back to the corporate network where they can reach the server. Opening this relay to the world is out of the question.

In ADNM console, right-click the computer catalog, go to properties. Then click SMTP. You should be able to put the smtp server address, port, username and password in it.

I’ve never used what you have, so I don’t know if it will work, but you could try.

Thanks, but the software doesn’t appear to support TLS, which is required by Google. For now I’m stuck using the internal box and missing alerts from laptops. Hopefully the next release supports it, it’d be a useful feature.

Yes, I believe version 5 or 5.1 should be able to scan and access encrypted email servers, I just don’t know when ADNM will be updated. I don’t think it’s going to be for a while unfortunately.

The home and pro versions will be released first, then the business users will be after.

You could always try a different email server and address for Avast to use if you wanted. It doesn’t have to use gmail…

Or setup a simple qmail or squirrel mail server just for that purpose in the meantime. There’s gotta be many ways to work around this problem…

Eh, it’s not really worth the trouble. I’d basically have to setup a mail server solely for the rare occasions Avast finds something, which includes dealing with securing the server and whatnot. Probably more sensible to just wait for ADNM to support it, though I’m honestly surprised it doesn’t yet.