ADNM failed to push netServer edition to the server

I have ADNM installed on a Windows 2003 Domain Controller. I followed the instructions and created two installations packages one for Desktop and One for Server. I was able to successfully push the avast netClinet edition to the desktop computers but it failed to push the netserver edition to the Domain Controller which is also the ADNM server. All login credentials are correct and the server shows up in discovery catalog. What am I doing wrong?

Hi there, sometimes you get this problem. quick and simple route is download

Run it locally on the server and select net.server during this install, this should have you up and running quickly.


Thanks for the reply. I can install it manually and it works fine but it defeats the purpose of having a managed client. I expected the problems to be in remote client installation but it went fine. It is ironic that the server where ADNM is installed can’t install the netServer through ADNM deployment task.

I looked at the remote install logs it starts the installation fine and file copy starts but it fails after it tries to start the service. After that it show “no file found installation” terminated. code is 0x0000002A another time it was 0x0000000014A and 0x000000015A

Another question, is it necessary to manually setup weekly scan schedules for desktop clients or is it part of the standard netClient installation?


I would setup weekly scans. If a new virus came out and infected a machine before a new VPS it wouldnt be detected by the realtime “standard shield” unless the code was called by the system or accessed.

I always recommend a weekly scan.
