ADNM in Brazilian Portuguese

Vlk, I’ve sent to Igor the last Brazilian Portuguese translated files (manual and interface).
Hope it helps and you can release a ‘new’ version with them :wink:

Yeah, I’m back after vacations 8)

Welcome back Tech, and thanks for the translations.

We’ll do our best to include the Portuguese language pack in the next ADNM update.


Vlk, i can translate ADNM on russian. Send me language files and necessary things - i try to translate as fast as i can.

ChuPac, maybe the guy to help you will be Igor. He can help you on translations.
If you need extra help, just let me know.

I must write to Igor?

I’ve sent him a warning about this, hope he answer you…


I’m talking from Brazil and various of ours clients are asking when the new version of ADNM setup will be translated into portuguese language?


I’ve already translated and, as far I know, it will be added on next program update.
Hope you enjoy the translation that I’ve made for free and by pleasure 8)

Ok… Great!

Thanks a lot!!!
