ADNM Installation issues

Hi there,

I have installed adnm on one of our clients servers this refused to distribute to client machines. So i removed the adnm and now i cant even get it to reinstall. it brings up this error

“service ‘mssql$avast’ (mysql$avast) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services”

Any one have any ideas?


did u uninstall the MSDE too that came with the ADNM installer?
see if u can uninstall it and then reinstall ADNM

there is no msde installation for avast in add and remove programs to remove.

This should help Remove it.


Yep, it works. We need to uninstall the ADMN, SQL for avast, delele them from the registry then reboot the PC in save mode. Delete both avast and the SQL folders.
puff, You are ready for a new installation with no headache
