Dear avast technical team,
I would like to know about ADNM and Mirrors concept :
If client have different segment in e.g : segment 1 IP : 192.168.1.x and segment 2 IP : 193.168.2.x then under same router and domain. My question is why ADNM couldn’t discovery IP at segment 2?
And we input as manual in to Computer Catalog at ADNM, then we do the push install and still couldn’t working properly. We have put user login account and password, also domain correctly and appoint the target to the computer name, why this could happen? -
If client would like to create mirror for branch office, whether client only need to install antivirus protection and mirror package in to their existing server without need ADNM installed?
Whether mirror package could installed at Win XP or only support for Win Server 2000/2003?
Please kindly advice,
Yanto Chiang