ADNM no computer detected in my LAN

I have just installed ADMN and run the task for computer descovery in order to update catalog. But NO computer was detected. Does any one have solution ?

click on the task that has been done discovering the computers, does it actually say it didnt find anything?

if so try to configure the discovery task to the setup of your network… its in the properties of the task to
set some options, they kinda speak for them selfs

I have find the solution. It was due to windows Firewall. Ihave desable it and it works find now.
Thanks for you response in any case.

have to push this thread, cause i got the same problem and no solution at all.

I run a windows server 2008 R2 with the trial-versions for ADNM and on clients Avast Pro (for now - first testing it).
no matter if I create an own task for scanning the network or using the already existing one, theres no results in my computer catalog.

windows firewall already disabled, rebooted several times.
no AD, using the NT LAN Scan.
if I open up the windows explorer for network access, I get all available computers listed.

the scan in the ADNM itself finishes after about 2 seconds I started it and states: finisched successful / done. not telling me that any clients are found, just finishing it.

any suggestions?

try a manual import

thanks for your reply.

a manual import doesn’t work because we use an DHCP-server, so the IP-adresses each computer will change over time. and there’s only the manual-import over IP-adresses available as I read through the manual.
any other chance?

You state that you don’t have a domain controller; if so, why? ;D

If this is true, do you have “Detect all machines on the network” or do you have “detect machines in selected workgroup/domain only” checked?

just told, that I use “NT LAN Scan”…

I already used both of them (scan in workgroup and scan complete network), always no results. dont get it, cause I can see all machines in the normal browser-view, turned off any firewall.

any more suggestions?

I don’t think I saw what operating system the clients are. Are they Vista or Win 7?

If so, you might want to check if Network Discovery is turned on.

Also, how is your DNS working right now?

Do you have a local DNS server installed on the 2008 Server, and is the network card properties pointing to itself for DNS requests?

Everything that you’ve described so far would seem like the discovery task should work fine. It seems like something weird must be going on.

there’s a DNS-server running separately (local machine / VM-ware, so are the ADNM-machine).

clients are win7-pro only.
network-discovery turned on already.

any more suggestions?
seems little weird to me :frowning:

just to try:

create an MSI package on the ADNM server
install the package on one of the clients and do a manual update
if the manual update shows that it used the ADNM server for updates then you check in ADNM to see if you see the computer
if it doesnt show the ADNM server as the used server for updates then your install of ADNM is not good