ADNM + proxy usage + change default settings ?!

Hey everybody,

we’re proud Avast-Reseller and one of our new customers having now a 80 User ADNM/“Standard Suite”
package/license has a problem when setting up a custom Deployment package:

What we did:

  • Installed the Avast Server Edition
  • Installed the ADNM-Package
  • Did some setupping (Search for machines in the ADS etc.pp)
  • Manual Test-Deploy with the ADNM-Interface → which worked fine!

Info: All clients in the company use a proxy on Port 3128.

Problem with that:

The default configuration of the component “WebShield” does only protect Port 80
transparently by default.

What we tried:

  • Putting in a custom Admin.ini into the Installation package.


Do we always have to put in a whole/complete Admin.ini ?!?!
We only need to change a little part which says:

HttpRedirectPort=80, 3128, 8080

We failed to “contruct” a Admin.ini that works.Finally we extracted the Admin.ini
that would come with the .MSI-Package that we can create and change this little part.

Our problem is: We could not change this special setting for the “Webscanner”/Webshield

And if we change Avast4.ini >afterwards< on the client machine
→ After the next reboot it is replaced by the old one
automatically. Is this for security?

Many thanks in advance + Best regards,
Sebastian Krajenski.

I could be wrong as I’m not (yet) used to the ADNM version, but, won’t the spaces after the commas be the problem here?

Yes, it is.

Unfortunately the space is not the reason. I tested this.
Works perfectly with the Professional Version with and without.

The main point is: How can we setup such a little change like
HttpRedirectPort=80, 3128, 8080
to the “default” for our Deployment/Installation package in/with ADNM?

Everything is superb in “default” when creating a Installation package
with the ‘wizard’, just this little setting…

Best regards,
Sebastian Krajenski.


One can supply little changes with the ADNM Console doing the following:

Or you can use other method, in ADNM console only:
1)Select properties of computer group that will have changed ini file
2)Specify changed values, in this case, settings have real name -
i.e. [WebScanner]
3)Select “Apply to group” and these changes are written to all
computers in selected group

Thanks to Jiri Forejt from Alwil.

Best regards,
Sebastian Krajenski.