Hey everybody,
we’re proud Avast-Reseller and one of our new customers having now a 80 User ADNM/“Standard Suite”
package/license has a problem when setting up a custom Deployment package:
What we did:
- Installed the Avast Server Edition
- Installed the ADNM-Package
- Did some setupping (Search for machines in the ADS etc.pp)
- Manual Test-Deploy with the ADNM-Interface → which worked fine!
Info: All clients in the company use a proxy on Port 3128.
Problem with that:
The default configuration of the component “WebShield” does only protect Port 80
transparently by default.
What we tried:
- Putting in a custom Admin.ini into the Installation package.
Do we always have to put in a whole/complete Admin.ini ?!?!
We only need to change a little part which says:
HttpRedirectPort=80, 3128, 8080
We failed to “contruct” a Admin.ini that works.Finally we extracted the Admin.ini
that would come with the .MSI-Package that we can create and change this little part.
Our problem is: We could not change this special setting for the “Webscanner”/Webshield
And if we change Avast4.ini >afterwards< on the client machine
→ After the next reboot it is replaced by the old one
automatically. Is this for security?
Many thanks in advance + Best regards,
Sebastian Krajenski.