ADNM upgrade to 4.8

I’m new to Avast, what is the easiest way to upgrade ADNM to 4.8 and the clients?? I have the Dec 08 version running.


See user manual how to create actualisation task (in client tasks section) and choose appropriate timeout. I think it is more easier way (for new ADNM admins) then create msi package.

To update de AMS, you must go, in the AMS, to:

Control Panel → Add/Remove Software → avast! Management Tools → Update

(some pictures here: text in spanish :-\

You can see the ADNM Administrator’s Guide ( Chapter 8.4

To update NetClients and NetServers you must create an Update Task and run it in the AMS Console.

the december version for the avast distributed client is the current version…
the current version (that i run at this moment) is: avast! Distributed Network Manager: 4.8.952 (Jan 21, 2009)

There are new versions for AMS and clients:

AMS/conslole: 4.8.975 May, 13
NetClients : 4.8.1038 May, 13