Thanks for the warning Kamulko !
But I must admit that I never use adobe reader since it freezes on almost every linux-box, no mather if used with Deb., Mandr. or SuSE.
Ghostview is much faster and easy to use so I guess not much linux-users will use it.
But it’s a good thing you’ve warned for this scam.
Thanks !
After the disasters of MS Word (remember the Tony Blair gaffes?) in Public Admninistrations and Governments, USA and Europeans Governments Administrations prefer the PDF format. Using the old version 5 there are no dangers. Is no good, 'cause the 7 is faster in starting, not like the old versions. I work in a PA and I’m sensible to this problem.
Is it okay to keep working with Acrobat Reader, just not accessing it through the internet? :-\
Sheesh Acrobat Reader 7.0 now? I’m way out of date cause I got 5.0 ;D
Today I’ve mine updated to 7.0.1 ;D
Hmm, oh well I don’t really use Acrobat anyway. I’ll keep the 5.0 just to be on the safe side.
I’m surprise that the 5.0 still works. ;D
I haven’t updated from version 6. I’ve been using the free Foxit pdf reader. Works well with Mozilla, too – opens almost instantly.
OT, this is the first time I’ve seen the avast gem site. I like it very much. Seeing the link to Amnesty International there made me feel really good.
Thanks for the link, I’ve just downloaded it now and will give it a test run. Acrobat is getting rather large and unwieldy for a program just to read pdf files. I can understand it being a large program for the pdf writer but not just to read.
Very welcome. It’s a bit minimalist compared to Adobe, but I think its speed makes up for that, especially when browsing …
Thanks DavidR for the Foxit link.
Yes, Inconnu, is a little program… and there’s no installer! A light standalone exe…
Kamulko, the link was provided by ‘Inconnu’ I like the fact that it doesn’t need to be installed and have the associated registry entries.
Sorry for my mistake Inconnu, and thanks again to DavidR… :-[ surfing through a lot of websites make me blind… ;D
No problem, Kamulko. We both provided a link, and I appreciate yours to the G.E.M. Project. 8)
I just updated to the new 1.3beta Foxit. Nice. I absolutely agree about the zipped version. I always prefer that to an installer. Just extract it where you want it, make a shortcut, and you’re set. 8) 8)
Cheers inconnu just got it removed adobe (huge and slow) run foxit like a dream fast and small… ;D
Although you said it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of acrobat reader, it does have some acrobat doesn’t allow you to do, such as selective text selection to copy.
However, it certainly does the business, I have had it crash a couple of times testing the Typewriter function, I typed some text into the document and on selecting print, it crashed (both times I tried it). I’m not sure if this function requires you to be on line, etc. as I noticed there is an Advertisement element in the View menu item.
Maybe xpdf is an alternative. It’s very basic though. There’s a precompiled win32 version on the downloads page.
I use it in SuSE to read and convert pdf-files to text and it’s lightning fast.
Bye, Fast
Dear forum members,
These incidents with software are not incidents anymore, but what I fear is becoming more and more of an evolving trend. Recently the beta Google Web Accelerator too was put back into its sandbox, that is to say after three days it went definitely on hold, because surfing habits of users could be traced almost immediately by Google. It is a strange cardgame folks, where everybody is allowed to look in over one’s shoulder, but you are not free to hide your cards anymore.
For what would not be tolerated outside the virtual world, is almost commonplace in the virtual world of the net. Now with laws coming in that non-free software also becomes irreversible- e.g. not to be reversed (rulings for digital TV cards in US as a forerunner of this legislation) makes that consumer protection becomes certainly unbalanced. Stallman & friends with their view on free software (to be shared and adjusted or improved) are in for a hard fight.
Keep up your visors folks,
I got the typewriter function in Foxit PDF Reader working now, which is quite a handy tool to make some annotations in a pdf file and print it off with the annotated text on the document.
Howdy DavidR,
Good thing. You see that more people are steering away from the main stream overbloated software, especially when their privacy is concerned. Here you can find how you can run windows with only free software aboard:
It is a big list.
Awaiting your comment,
Yes it is a big list and it is theoretically possible to run windows with only free software. it is worthy of further investigation by those looking for freeware software
I have seen some very good freeware, avast for personal non-business use is just one; some excellent freeware software written by the enthusiast or someone looking for a solution to their own problem. I have also seen terrible freeware software that is buggy.
However, for me it has to revolve around functionality, does it do what I want it to do. I have bought many programs when there were freeware options because they had better functionality.
I shall not take this thread any further off-topic other that to say, free doesn’t always mean best or worst, or you get what you pay!