April 8, 2017, 5:00pm
I have observed that the “Adobe Flash Hacking Team leak ” from http://www (dot)wicar(dot)org/test-malware.html is not detected by Avast web scanner.
I reported this to Avast last week, but they still did not add detection for it.
I hope someone from the Avast team takes notice of this matter and does the needful.
I don’t see anything wrong.The File adobe_flash_hacking_team_uaf.swf is detected SWF-Agent-EZ[Expl]
See attached
I reported to this thread
April 10, 2017, 7:49am
Exactly as Jefferson says - it is detected as SWF:Agent-EZ [Expl] since 21. 07. 2015.
April 15, 2017, 6:44am
My avast version 17.3.2291 (build 17.3.3443.0) cannot block the adobe hacking team leak.
My virus definitions version is 170414-0 (latest version) at this time.
I felt something may be wrong with my Avast webshield settings.
So I went to Settings > Troubleshooting > Restore to factory settings (both program settings and shield settings).
Then I restarted the computer and visited the Adobe Flash Hacking Team leak of .
Still Avast cannot detect/block it. Is something wrong?
What browser is set as default.If you have other installed test to see if it works.
Seems problems with cache
Clear the cache in firefox
Clear the cache in chrome
After restart the PC
April 16, 2017, 3:06pm
I use Firefox 52.0.1 as the default browser.
Cleared the cache in Firefox and then restarted Windows 7
I also tried Internet explorer.
Still Avast cannot detect the Adobe Flash Hacking Team leak
I’m mystified as to why this is happening for me only. Anything else to try?
Your browser opening the file and nothing happens (patched / immune).
I didnt get any alert too because of having up to date system and flash player
@TrueIndian ,
I got this when I clicked on your link.
My system is up to date and so is Flash Player.
April 16, 2017, 8:51pm
Same result using all browsers?
Not on Firefox or Brave. Also not on Microsoft Edge.
I didn’t get any alerts on said browsers.
April 16, 2017, 9:11pm
Then they are patched
Not sure flash run in avast safezone browser, so you get a different result / avast block
Reset the settings
So I could see the firefox download is not loaded
The cab file is not the same attached
In Chrome-Click Settings-> Privacy-> Content Settings->
Allow sites to run Flash
Reload the page the alert will be shown
Flash does run in SafeZone Browser. I have watched videos on this browser.
April 16, 2017, 9:37pm
Hi -midnight,
All (Adobe’s) Flash content when not checked on could be a risk.
Adobe Flash should be taken off and discontinued.
When we have HTLM5 the content could also run securely in the browser.
I have the Metadefender Cloud extension in Iridium and that extension checks with 45 av engines all I download with the browser.
Registering the extension is free when you craete an account with OPSWAT and they give you a free key for their free tools.
Take care, and have a Blessed Eastertime, now all the celebrations (Protestant, Catholic and Greek-Orthodox) were together,
and even Seder was in the same period.
Hi polonus,
I now have the Metadefender Cloud Extension in Iridium. I still got the same alert as I did on the SafeZone Browser.
A belated Happy Easter to you.