Adobe Flash update wouldn't install on Chrome

Just got a prompt to install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player in Chrome. Auto-download of installation launch file reported “download failed.”

I paused AdBlock, same result.

Right-clicked on Avast icon in System Tray, chose “Avast Shields Control, Pause for 10 Minutes” and returned to original Adobe page. Worked fine this time.

Windows XP/SP3, Adobe Flash executable file: install_flashplayer17x32_mssd_aaa_aih.exe and Chrome version is 41.0.2272.101 m

Please save any unnecessary comments about running XP – last count showed over a half-billion installations still running (that’s 10% of the human population). I use it on one of my PC’s because I use many keyboard commands, as they are infinitely faster than a mouse, and XP runs very fast with an SSD. This post is to help Avast users who may have trouble with a Flash update.

Hi shirleyjbryant, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I can tell you that Avast! Evangelists are running Windows XP as well, if only for testing purposes.
Most likely your problem has to do with the Webshield. But I am not sure.

Greetz, Red.

Chrome has the flash player build in, there is no need to download it separately.

By keeping your Chrome Browser updated, you also keep the built in Flash up to date.