I got a pop up from Avast called “Avast doing their own thing” or something and it was along the lines of “play spot the scam to win a free something or other” is this normal or is something wrong with my Avast? It was all white and if I get the thing again I’ll screen shot it, I was going to use show last pop up to get the screen shot but soon after the normal green update popped up.
That’s not Avast doing that. Have you tried running a full scan with PUPS enabled.
I haven’t ran a scan but it came from avast, that much I can be sure. It was white and I didn’t mean task manager I meant the task bar, but it had all the typical avast markings and it seems pretty official, I just updated recently to version 8.0.1489, my only other guess on where it could of possibly came from was avast somehow becoming compromised, but I have done nothing to allow that.
I’m running a full scan with PUP on also btw, I’ll post the results when they are done.
It happened to me too, something white appeared instead of the normal green update popup. But it doesn’t show up when I check the last popup message.
Glad to know I’m not alone, I would be really sad if my Avast got compromised. It’s been so reliable at keeping me safe for so many years.
I do believe it was from Avast, it was a bit strange though.
If you see it again take a screen shot. Maybe I’m wrong.
Yes, it was very strange, I really hope it doesn’t become a regular thing with Avast as it scared me quite a bit, because it was new and different, plus it itself seemed like some kind of scam.
Scan Finished, No Threads Found.
HI I would like to just say that this is pretty normal but avast usually has ads for a youtube video or an ad for winning an i pad or something like that. I must say though that it was a bit strange though. But I am pretty sure that avast had something to do with this ad that was white in colour and it was saying that you could win a chrome book if you could spot the spam link in the social media page.
have a good day every one
I just saw something like that instead of the normal green update popup.
Avast was supposed to be a freeware, not an adware. I understand that there has to be a some ads, but it’s quite funny that Avast Antivirus Software makes me think that I have some sort of virus infection (adware) on my system. :o
Ok so I saw this. What’s the big deal? They are asking you for money. They aren’t trying to make you upgrade. They are offering a chance to win a Chromebook by answering some question about a possible scam. A small interference for having free protection. Don’t like it then pay for the Pri version. Gezzz
Confirmed. The ads are most likely in the free version only.
I’ve got no issue with it, just wanted to make sure it wasn’t caused by some kind of problem where my Avast got compromised.
if you have not rebooted since the pop-up… right click avast tray icon… show last pop-up
click the pin in top right corner and pin it to the screen… take screenshot and attach here.
Reply #11 is the same thing I saw.
You can hardly call it an ad as they aren’t trying to sell anything, it is a mix of security awareness (how to spot a scam) and a competition to win a chromebook.
Now I won’t be entering as I have no need for a chromebook and generally I can spot a scam from a long distance. But there are some who might well be happy to have a chromebook and or benefit from how to spot a scam.
For those that aren’t interested, just let the toaster popup close.
Note: Using the show last pop-up won’t work as it will show the avast update notification screen, you have to capture it fast before it closes.
Now I won't be entering as I have no need for a chromebookyou can give it to somone........ to me if you win ;D
Well as long as I know my Avast is fine, it won’t bother me.
Hi all,
yes I can confirm this is official and legitimate. Just a competition to win a Chromebook. You should see it just twice at maximum during this week.