Advances features

Most of us just installing and using programs without of knowledge of new/advanced features.

I am agry that some of us not need/know or just cannot use them.

You have included a function that is only available in the pro version ‘command line scanner’ so those with the home version can’t use this so perhaps you need different polls for home and pro. Not that I’m convinced as to the value of polls.

Yes but avast has “two” command line scanners


One of them is just more advaced and exist just in pro.
Other can be used as commandline scanner too but based on GUI and default settings for scanning.

Now I am a little confused ???

ashQuick is a command line scanner? Isn’t ashQuick a Explorer Extension?
Yes I know that ashQuick uses the same core as ashCmd and avast! program, but…
I don’t think that ashQuick is a command line scanner - Or I am wrong?

EDIT: And as far as I know ashQuick can’t be used in DOS mode while ashCmd can be used in both modes ( DOS and Win32 modes), so there is a very big difference between the two programs.

Yes but in both cases you can chose through commandline what to scan.

So here will be one GUI based commandline scanner
And one console based commandline scanner

As standad most of people thinking that “commandline support” = “Console based”

But it is not only console based programs that have commandline support. It depends on how advanced this program is. And how it defined.

1 Windows GUI based
2 Windows window based
3 DOS Console based
4 DOS GUI based

GUI is when you can use mouse/pekdon to make chose.

ashQuick x:
ashCmd x:\

ashQuick = GUI scanner with simple/basic commandline support.

Will do same but with different interfaces.
…yes this is confused…

(I should be added “console” or “through console”) damn :-[

ashQuick.exe is not designed to be a command line scanner but an explorer context menu scan. A proper command line scanner would execute the file name with a string of switches and or files/folders to scan.

:-[ I got wrong again :-[
Thank you for correction…