Advice needed please!

Hi! For the past few weeks I have been trying out Avast 4 on my PC. I was wondering if it was any good (although it has good reviews) but last night I found out! On entering an innocuous looking website I got one of those dialogue boxes saying my PC had been infected and it wanted me to click the Yes button to get a removal tool. Yeah, right! ;D

I closed my browser down and with that my Avast informed me I was infected with JS:FakeAV-BR[Trj]. The file had been placed in My Documents so, no problem, I sent it to the Virus Chest.

This morning I ran a scan on my C Drive and although it did not find any more infections it put up a log saying it was unable to scan about 20 files. These are listed as C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\ with various extensions such as ? vkll, 1/4abi?*?ll. Should I be worried about this? As far as I can see, in Internet Logs they mostly appear to be logs created by Zone Alarm.

Welcome Dragon Lady

Its not a problem on your system but an infected Web site and it is occuring quite regularly now and avast! protects yous system from this.

Every 3.6 seconds a website is infected

Hi Dragon Lady,

As YoKenny says this is to prevent you from getting infected by visiting a malicious website.
Can you give us the website in this form: hXtp:// or like this, so we can tell you what created the JS:FakeAV-BR[Trj] alert, so the website admin there or the hosting firm could update, patch and cleanse their site(s), so that other users can no longer get infected and you can also again visit this site securely. Please report to us here, c.q. this will also help the avast team with their detecting schemes,


This is the only link which showed in Google, there is no http or anything before it. Is this any good to you?

What I am most worried about now is the files that Avast was unable to scan.

If those are Zone Alarm files, there is nothing to worry about. Many legitimate programs password protect their files as well they should. Avast has no way of knowing the password to those files and therefore, can not open the files to scan them.

Hello DragonLady,

sir polonus asked you about this :

On entering an innocuous looking website

so which was that site?


CharleyO - that has relieved my mind. Thanks!

Nmb - Well, umm, what I put into Google was “cats poo smelling of yeast” (my cat has a problem!).
Blushes furiously and runs off!

You are welcome, Dragon Lady … and welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

I hope that was the cat that blushed and ran off. :wink: That’s what my cat would do. :slight_smile: