I’m thinking about upgrading to internet security from the free one. But i have noticed that my rapport program my bank asked me to download no longer protects some websites i set it to protect(little green square no longer green in address bar) when i turn on the avast free sandbox. Is this something that has or will be sorted. I don’t want to pay to upgrade if some features of avast are not compatible with rapport.
Thanks for advice.
I’m typing this from a sandboxed browser - and rapport is showing just as normal (so I assume it’s working as normal).
Rapport will not run when the browser is running under the supervision of Sandboxie 3.54 (latest). Rapport is very sensitive to the environment it runs in. I imagine that when sandboxed it cannot see it’s runtime files because they won’t transfer to the sandbox perhaps so it won’t run.
This will probably also apply to the Avast! sandbox.
Well, as I said, it looks OK in browsers running inside the avast sandbox, and when I click the icon in the browser I can open the raport console.
It shows green on protected sites and grey on unprotected sites just as normal.
That sounds like different behaviour to what you report with sandboxie - but whether it is fully functional or not I couldn’t really say.
If Rapport is visible in the web browser, it is probably working properly. You can get confirmation of this from Rapport support.
Rapport simply will not work with Sandboxie (Rapport is not visible in the web browser) but then I do use Sandboxie’s most restrictive settings.
I use both and they are working fine together.