8/7/2009 10:12:16 PM:116
IntelliGuard: System Event Blocked
Threat Name - Adware.Adsponsor
Details - Spyware Doctor has blocked an application attempting to access a file.
Risk Level - Low
Infection - C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_AVAST4_\UNP80904531.TMP
I have contacted pctools as well. I want to know what this file is cause I chose to block it and it pops up a lot.
I have reinstalled AVAST and this still came up. Any ideas?
Spyware Doctor is taking an avast temporary file as a false positive.
If you block it into Spyware Doctor, avast won’t work correctly.
Maybe add a Spyware Doctor exclusion to that folder.
I would suggest that until pctools correct this incorrect interaction you exclude the avast4 folder in spyware doctor. You could co further and exclude just the files in that folder beginning with UNP and ending in .tmp if it allows the use of wild cards.
avast unpacks archive files and other temporary content (web shield scanning) that it is to scan to that folder so it is rightly going to access them.
No guess needed, it is safe, the unp9999999.tmp files once scanned by avast are deleted if found to be clean.
It is the spyware doctor locking that file that a) prevented avast from doing that and b) could also prevent avast from scanning it as it locks the file. So you really have to exclude that folder in spyware doctor to avoid possible conflict.
The Webshlock.txt is as Tech used by the web shield, it is also a protected file.
Surely if it has any form of exclusion it would use the common windows explored style navigation window. Perhaps that will allow for folder selection without the need for wildcards.
well it does use the standard explorer configuration but it makes you go all the way to the file level. The files in the avast temp folder continually change so that’s no help. PCTools have had this on their plate for a long time now. I was the first to report it. It’s in the hands of the developers, they acknowledge the issue but can’t seem to fix it. So they say.