Adware found msg but can't get rid of it

I apologize in advance if I’m not posting this correctly. First time here and seeking help.
I’ve ran the scan a few times since I got avast last week and I keep getting the same message. I’ll post the windows so there is no mistake on my part.
I try to send it to chest and then the 2nd window pops up each time and when I click on Delete all it goes away but then in the report it says there was an error. Then it appears again on the new scan. Anythig you can help me with.
Also, in the report u’ll see several files that can’t be scan, anything I should do about it, especially the 2nd to last and the last one (in the operation column it says: Error occured during file deletion)
Thank you in advance

attaching 3 imges below:

this is #3

The problem seems to be the ? caracther in the file name.
Other similar thread is here

To delete the file see

Or, schedule a boot-time scan, targetting the C:\Windows\System32 folder.

Thank you but the problem has been resolved

Please, post what did you do and which solve the problem… so the other users could learn, future refence will be possible and we will know if the help given here was good 8)