While clicking legitimate sites you get an Avast popup that malware was blocked & it happens again on a few sites later you most likely have a Trojan installed that tries to install more virus/malware. I had 3 Trojan generic 9690932 on my win7 system wreaking havoc on browsing & disk defrag etc… Avast is not great at detecting Trojans IMHO. It is great at detecting PUPS if you have them enabled though. It saved my biscuits more than once! The latest PUP detected was the 7zip Hijacker!!
HI Ragweed
I suggest you go to the virus and worms section and click on Logs to assist in cleaning Malware.
Then download Otl, malwarebytes free, and do a quick scan and a quick scan with otl and attach the logs in your thread and then a malware expert will assist you in cleaning your computer if their are trojans or viruses on your computer.
Next time you have this happen though put this type of thread in the virus and worms section of the avast forum.
This type however just put the logs with the following thread.
have a good day
When you install malwarebytes free on your computer update the definitions first and then just do a quick scan and attach the malwarebytes log and otl log to this thread.
Thanks have a good weekend